
Saturday, April 30, 2005

(TOPICS=GAMES) (TOPICS=LSFW) LoveChess The Erotic Chess Game

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Love Chess The Erotic Chess Game
- The game play is good, the erotic art is absolutely fabulous, the 3D animations are hot and entertaining...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

(TOPICS=GAMES) Guess-The-Google Launcher

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Grant Robinson's game Guess-The-Google Launcher
- After creating Montage-a-google, several people wrote to me suggesting I make a game based on the same technology. Montage-a-google is a simple web app that uses Google's image search to generate a large gridded montage of images based on keywords (search terms) entered by the user. Guess-the-google reverses this process by picking the keywords for you, the player must then guess what keyword made up the image - it's surprisingly addictive.