
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

(MUSIC) Fucking Underground Song

Fucking Underground Song - For those who have never been on the London subway I thought I would post this song. It is a very realistic MP3 about the 'service'. If I was not so opposed to the people playing music on the underground while I am trying to listen to my personal stereo I would consider playing this song out loud on one of the trains. I am not sure there is a tube commuter that has lived in London over a year that cannot relate to this song (accept maybe the 'lazy fucking useless cunts' that run the service)

My favorite lines are;
The greedy bastards want extra pay
For sitting on there arse all day
Even though they earn thirty K
So I'm standing here in the pouring rain
Where the fucks my fucking train?

I know some people like the warning so I should warn you this link contains swearing.

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