
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

MadTV iPhone Sketch With Steve Jobs From Apple

In this Mad TV sketch an actor playing Steve Jobs Introduces the iPhone to the undeserving masses. Is the iPhone great or is it witchcraft?


Anonymous said...

LOL...the red shirt specky black guy was so funny. by the way, thanks for stopping by. i totally agree with you on the anonymous commentors thingy. they just have nothing to do and write those comments to piss off the blogger. that doesn't impress me much though. i'm not easily affected by those petty stuff.

Anonymous said...

by the way, i almost forgot... don't think that your blog is imperfect. every post you made is like a work of art. learn to appreciate it that it's a product of your own hands and your intellectual. don't let other criticize your work if it's purely nonsense. i do agree we need improvement but there's a way to distinguish what is purely criticism and what is comment that puts you down. ignore the latter of course. keep blogging at your own phase. and you'll learn that each post you wrote are worthy of appreciation

Amran Shahir Ismail said...

I think you'll enjoy watching 'dragon hunter 2' on madtv. Try typing that on you tube! Its so funny I swear